AREND, B., SUNNEN, P., & CAIRE, P. (April 2017). Investigating Breakdowns in Human Robot Interaction: A Conversation Analysis Guided Single Case Study of a Human-NAO Communication in a Museum Environment. International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering, 11 (5), 839-845. Peer reviewed |
AREND, B., & CAIRE, P. (2016). Humans and Robots in Dialogue?! [Paper presentation]. Humans and Robots in Dialogue?!, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
CAIRE, P., MOAWAD, A., EFTHYMIOU, V., bikakis, A., & LE TRAON, Y. (2016). Privacy Challenges in Ambient Intelligence Systems. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. doi:10.3233/AIS-160405 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
bikakis, A., CAIRE, P., clark, K., CORNELIUS, G. P., ma, J., miller, R., russo, A., & VOOS, H. (2016). Collaborative Explanation and Response in Assisted Living Environments Enhanced with Humanoid Robots. In 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, ICAART, Rome, Italy, 2016. Peer reviewed |
bikakis, A., & CAIRE, P. (2015). Computing coalitions in Multiagent Systems: A contextual reasoning approach. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8953. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-17130-2 Peer reviewed |
EL KATEB, D., Zannone, N., MOAWAD, A., CAIRE, P., NAIN, G., Mouelhi, T., & LE TRAON, Y. (2015). Conviviality-driven access control policy. Requirements Engineering, 20 (4), 363-382. doi:10.1007/s00766-014-0204-0 Peer reviewed |
Bikakis, Antonis, & CAIRE, P. (2014). Computing coalitions in Multiagent Systems, A contextual reasoning approach. In European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, Prague 18-19 December 2014. Peer reviewed |
EL KATEB, D., Zannone, N., MOAWAD, A., CAIRE, P., NAIN, G., MOUELHI, T., & LE TRAON, Y. (2014). Conviviality-Driven Access Control Policy. Requirements Engineering. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
CAIRE, P., & Bikakis, A. (2014). A MCS-based methodology for computing coalitions in Multirobot Systems. Cognitive Robotics. Peer reviewed |
bikakis, A., CAIRE, P., & LE TRAON, Y. (2014). Tools for Conviviality in Multi-Context Systems. IfCoLog Journal of Logics and Their Applications, 1 (1). Peer reviewed |
CAIRE, P., Bikakis, A., & LE TRAON, Y. (2013). Information Dependencies in MCS: Conviviality-Based Model and Metrics. In 16th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS (PRIMA 2013). Peer reviewed |
CAIRE, P., VAN DER TORRE, L., & Villata, S. (2013). Combining Norms, Roles, Dependence and Argumentation in Agreement Technologies. In 25th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence BNAIC'13. Delft, Nov. 7-8. Peer reviewed |
CAIRE, P., VAN DER TORRE, L., & Villata, S. (2013). Combining Norms, Roles, Dependence and Argumentation in Agreement Technologies. In AAA' 13. International Workshop on Argument for Agreement and Assurance, Kanagawa, Japan, Oct. 27-28. Peer reviewed |
CAIRE, P., Genon, N., Heymans, P., & Moody, D. (2013). Visual Notation Design 2.0: Towards User-Comprehensible RE Notations. Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference. Peer reviewed |
CAIRE, P., VAN DER TORRE, L., & Villata, S. (2013). Argumentation Theoretic Foundations for Abstract Dependence Networks. International Conference on Agreement Technologies, proceedings in Springer LNCS. Peer reviewed |
MOAWAD, A., Bikakis, A., CAIRE, P., NAIN, G., & LE TRAON, Y. (2013). A Rule-based Contextual Reasoning Platform for Ambient Intelligence environments. In Theory, Practice, and Applications of Rules on the Web (pp. 158-172). springer. Peer reviewed |
MOAWAD, A., Bikakis, A., CAIRE, P., NAIN, G., & LE TRAON, Y. (2013). R-CoRe: A Rule-based Contextual Reasoning Platform for AmI. In Joint Proceedings of the 7th International Rule Challenge, the Special Track on Human Language Technology and the 3rd RuleML Doctoral Consortium hosted at the 8th International Symposium on Rules (RuleML2013). Peer reviewed |
Bikakis, A., EFTHYMIOU, V., CAIRE, P., & LE TRAON, Y. (2012). Introducing Conviviality as a property of Multi-Context Systems. In The 4th International Workshop on Acquisition, Representation and Reasoning with Contextualized Knowledge ARCOE-12. Peer reviewed |
efthymiou, V., & CAIRE, P. (2012). Diagram Analysis Report: Use Cases for Conviviality and Privacy in Ambient Intelligent Systems. |
MOAWAD, A., EFTHYMIOU, V., CAIRE, P., NAIN, G., & LE TRAON, Y. (August 2012). Introducing Conviviality as a New Paradigm for Interactions among IT Objects. Proceedings of the Workshop on AI Problems and Approaches for Intelligent Environments, 907, 3-8. Peer reviewed |
CAIRE, P., Bikakis, A., & EFTHYMIOU, V. (2012). Conviviality by Design. Social computing, Social cognition, social networks Acquisition, representation and reasoning with contextualized knowledge. Peer reviewed |
EFTHYMIOU, V., & CAIRE, P. (2012). Privacy challenges in ambient intelligent systems: A critical discussion. Atelier protection de la vie privée. Peer reviewed |
Boella, G., CAIRE, P., VAN DER TORRE, L., & Villata, S. (2012). Dependence Networks for Agreement Technologies. AT2012, Agreement Technologies, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Agreement Technologies, 109-110. Peer reviewed |
Genon, N., CAIRE, P., Toussaint, H., Heymans, P., & Moody, D. (2012). Towards a More Semantically Transparent i* Visual Syntax. In Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality - Essen, Germany, March 19-22, 2012 (pp. 140-146). Peer reviewed |
EFTHYMIOU, V., CAIRE, P., & Bikakis, A. (2012). Modeling and Evaluating Cooperation in Multi-Context Systems using Conviviality. Proceedings of BNAIC 2012 The 24th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 83-90. Peer reviewed |
CAIRE, P., ALCALDE, B., VAN DER TORRE, L., & Genon, N. (2011). Towards Temporal Conviviality Measures. Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 14-25. Peer reviewed |
CAIRE, P., & Bikakis, A. (2011). Enhancing Cooperation in Distributed Information Systems using Conviviality and Multi-Context Systems. In Multi-disciplinary Trends in Artificial Intelligence - 5th International Workshop, MIWAI 2011 (pp. 14-25). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7080 Springer 2011. Peer reviewed |
CAIRE, P., ALCALDE, B., VAN DER TORRE, L., & Sombattheera, C. (2011). Conviviality Measures. Proceedings of 10th Int. Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2011), 895-902. Peer reviewed |
CAIRE, P. (2010). New tools for conviviality. Masks, norms, ontology, requirements and measures. Bridging the conviviality gap between policy and informatics [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |
CAIRE, P., & VAN DER TORRE, L. (2010). Convivial ambient technologies: Requirements, ontology, and design. Computer Journal, 53 (8), 1229–1256. doi:10.1093/comjnl/bxp012 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
CAIRE, P. (20 March 2009). How to import the concept of conviviality to web communities. International Journal of Web-Based Communities, 3. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
CAIRE, P., & VAN DER TORRE, L. (2009). Temporal Dependence Networks for the Design of Convivial Multiagent Systems. Proceedings of the Eighth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS, 1317–1318. Peer reviewed |
CAIRE, P., & VAN DER TORRE, L. (2009). The Design of Convivial Multiagent Systems. In Social Networks and Multiagent Systems symposium; Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour, AISB, April 6-9, 2009 at the Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh (Scotland). Peer reviewed |
CAIRE, P. (2009). Designing Convivial Digital Cities: A Social Intelligence Design Approach. AI & Society, 24 (1), 97–114. doi:10.1007/s00146-009-0201-x Peer reviewed |
BOELLA, G., CAIRE, P., & VAN DER TORRE, L. (2009). Norm Negotiation in Online Multi-Player Games. Knowledge & Information Systems, 18 (2), 137–156. doi:10.1007/s10115-008-0162-2 Peer reviewed |
CAIRE, P., & VAN DER TORRE, L. (2009). A Conviviality Measure for Early Requirement Phase of Multiagent System Design. Normative Multi-agent Systems. Peer reviewed |
CAIRE, P. (2008). Designing convivial digital cities. AI & Society, 1727–1729. Peer reviewed |
CAIRE, P., Villata, S., Boella, G., & VAN DER TORRE, L. (2008). Conviviality masks in multiagent systems. In Conviviality Masks in Multiagent Systems (pp. 1265–1268). IFAAMAS. Peer reviewed |
CAIRE, P. (2007). A critical discussion on the use of the notion of conviviality for digital cities. In Proceedings of Web Communities 2007, Salamanca, Spain, February 2007, pp. 193–200 (pp. 193–200). Peer reviewed |
CAIRE, P. (2007). A Normative Multi-Agent Systems Approach to the Use of Conviviality for Digital Cities. Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, and Norms in Agent Systems III. Peer reviewed |