

Main Referenced Co-authors
SIEBENTRITT, Susanne  (10)
DEPREDURAND, Valérie  (6)
COLOMBARA, Diego  (3)
DALE, Phillip  (3)
REGESCH, David  (3)
Main Referenced Keywords
Chalcopyrite (2); CIGS (2); Photovoltaics (2); Solar cell (2); thin film solar cells (2);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Laboratory for Photovoltaics (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Physics (12)
Physical, chemical, mathematical & earth Sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others (3)
Energy (1)
Materials science & engineering (1)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (1)

Publications (total 14)

The most downloaded
HALA, M., Fujii, S., REDINGER, A., Inoue, Y., REY, G., THEVENIN, M., DEPREDURAND, V., WEISS, T., BERTRAM, T., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2015). Highly conductive ZnO films with high near infrared transparency. Progress in Photovoltaics. doi:10.1002/pip.2601

The most cited

69 citations (OpenAlex)

SIEBENTRITT, S., REY, G., FINGER, A., REGESCH, D., SENDLER, J., WEISS, T., & BERTRAM, T. (2015). What is the band gap of kesterite? Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. doi:10.1016/j.solmat.2015.10.017

COLOMBARA, D., Berner, U., Ciccioli, A., MALAQUIAS, J. C. B., BERTRAM, T., CROSSAY, A., Schöneich, M., MEADOWS, H., REGESCH, D., Delsante, S., Gigli, G., Valle, N., Guillot, J., El Adib, B., Grysan, P., & DALE, P. (February 2017). Deliberate and Accidental Gas-Phase Alkali Doping of Chalcogenide Semiconductors: Cu(In,Ga)Se2. Scientific Reports, 7, 43266. doi:10.1038/srep43266
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WERNER, F., BERTRAM, T., Mengozzi, J., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2017). What is the dopant concentration in polycrystalline thin-film Cu(In,Ga)Se2 ? Thin Solid Films, 633, 222-226. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2016.09.038
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CHOUBRAC, L., BERTRAM, T., ELANZEERY, H., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2017). Better Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells based on surface treated stoichiometric absorbers. Physica Status Solidi A. Applications and Materials Science, 214, No. 1, 1600482 - 1 to 6. doi:10.1002/PSSA.201600482
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BERTRAM, T. (2016). Doping, Defects And Solar Cell Performance Of Cu-rich Grown CuInSe2 [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

BERTRAM, T., Deprédurand, V., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (March 2016). Electrical Characterization of Defects in Cu-Rich Grown CuInSe2 Solar Cells. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 6 (2), 546-551. doi:10.1109/JPHOTOV.2015.2508239
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Berner, U., COLOMBARA, D., BERTRAM, T., MALAQUIAS, J. C. B., MEADOWS, H., Valle, N., Widenmeyer, M., & DALE, P. (September 2015). Vapour phase alkali species for Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells [Paper presentation]. 31st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy and Conversion, Hamburg, Germany.

SIEBENTRITT, S., REY, G., FINGER, A., REGESCH, D., SENDLER, J., WEISS, T., & BERTRAM, T. (2015). What is the band gap of kesterite? Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. doi:10.1016/j.solmat.2015.10.017
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

HALA, M., Fujii, S., REDINGER, A., Inoue, Y., REY, G., THEVENIN, M., DEPREDURAND, V., WEISS, T., BERTRAM, T., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2015). Highly conductive ZnO films with high near infrared transparency. Progress in Photovoltaics. doi:10.1002/pip.2601
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COLOMBARA, D., BERTRAM, T., DEPREDURAND, V., Fouquet, T., Bour, J., Broussillou, C., Grand, P.-P., & DALE, P. (2015). Prediction of Photovoltaic Cu(In,Ga)Se2 p-n Device Performance by forward Bias Electrochemical Analysis of Only the p-Type Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Films. Electrochemical Society Transactions, 66 (6), 19-25. doi:10.1149/06606.0019ecst
Peer reviewed

DEPREDURAND, V., BERTRAM, T., THEVENIN, M., Valle, N., Audinot, J.-N., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2015). Alternative etchning for improved Cu-rich CuInSe2 solar Cells. Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, 1771. doi:10.1557/opl.2015.447
Peer reviewed

LUCKAS, J. M., Longeaud, C., BERTRAM, T., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2014). Metastable defect in CuInSe2 probed by modulated photo current experiments above 390K. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 104, 153905. doi:10.1063/1.4871666
Peer reviewed

BERTRAM, T., DEPREDURAND, V., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2014). In-Se surface treatment of Cu-rich grown CuInSe2. Proceedings of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference 2014. doi:10.1109/PVSC.2014.6924894
Peer reviewed

DEPREDURAND, V., BERTRAM, T., REGESCH, D., Henx, B., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2014). The influence of Se pressure on the electronic properties of CuInSe2 grown under Cu-excess. Applied Physics Letters, 105, 172104. doi:10.1063/1.4900839
Peer reviewed

DEPREDURAND, V., BERTRAM, T., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2013). Influence of the Se environment on Cu-rich CIS devices. Physica B. Condensed Matter, B 439, 101-104. doi:10.1016/J.PHYSB.2013.10.055
Peer reviewed

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