

Main Referenced Co-authors
Milione, Piermarco (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
Galois representations (5); modular forms (3); Shimura curves (3); Hecke algebras (2); bad reduction (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Mathematics (7)

Publications (total 7)

The most downloaded
AMOROS CARAFI, L. (n.d.). Deligne's theorem. In V. Rotger (Ed.), S. Arias de Reyna (Other coll.), P. Milione (Other coll.), F. Fité (Other coll.), ... L. Garcia (Other coll.), Galois representations associated to modular forms. Barcelona, Spain: Notes del Seminari de Teoria de Nombres de Barcelona (UB-UAB-UPC).

AMOROS CARAFI, L. (2017). Images of Galois representations in mod p Hecke algebras. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

AMOROS CARAFI, L. (24 January 2017). Images of Galois representations with values in mod p Hecke algebras [Paper presentation]. Seminari de Teoria de Nombres de Barcelons, Barcelona, Spain.

AMOROS CARAFI, L. (2016). Images of Galois representations and p-adic models of Shimura curves [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

AMOROS CARAFI, L. (24 November 2016). From modular curves to Shimura curves: a p-adic approach [Paper presentation]. Our Mathematics Spectrum.

AMOROS CARAFI, L., & Milione, P. (2016). Mumford curves covering p-adic Shimura curves and their fundamental domains. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

AMOROS CARAFI, L. (26 January 2015). Galois representations associated to classical modular forms of weight at least 2: Deligne's theorem [Paper presentation]. Seminari de Teoria de Nombres de Barcelona STNB 2015, Barcelona, Spain.

AMOROS CARAFI, L. (n.d.). Deligne's theorem. In V. Rotger (Ed.), S. Arias de Reyna (Other coll.), P. Milione (Other coll.), F. Fité (Other coll.), ... L. Garcia (Other coll.), Galois representations associated to modular forms. Barcelona, Spain: Notes del Seminari de Teoria de Nombres de Barcelona (UB-UAB-UPC).

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