APPELT, D., NGUYEN, D. C., BRIAND, L., & ALSHAHWAN, N. (2014). Automated Testing for SQL Injection Vulnerabilities: An Input Mutation Approach. In Proc. of the International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis 2014. Peer reviewed |
APPELT, D., ALSHAHWAN, N., NGUYEN, D. C., & BRIAND, L. (2014). Black-box SQL Injection Testing. (TR-SnT-2014-1). |
DI NARDO, D., ALSHAHWAN, N., BRIAND, L., FOURNERET, E., Nakic-Alfirevic, T., & Masquelier, V. (2013). Model Based Test Validation and Oracles for Data Acquisition Systems. In IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering. doi:10.1109/ASE.2013.6693111 Peer reviewed |
DI NARDO, D., ALSHAHWAN, N., BRIAND, L., & Labiche, Y. (2013). Coverage-Based Test Case Prioritisation: An Industrial Case Study. In IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST). doi:10.1109/ICST.2013.27 Peer reviewed |
APPELT, D., ALSHAHWAN, N., & BRIAND, L. (2013). Assessing the Impact of Firewalls and Database Proxies on SQL Injection Testing. In Springer LNCS series. Peer reviewed |