

Main Referenced Co-authors
OTTERSTEN, Björn  (26)
CHATZINOTAS, Symeon  (9)
Wong, Kai-Kit (6)
Bengtsson, Mats (4)
An, Kang (2)
Main Referenced Keywords
5G (1); calibration (1); cellular radio (1); cognitive satellite terrestrial networks (1); cooperative satellite terrestrial networks (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Computer science (30)
Electrical & electronics engineering (14)

Publications (total 31)

The most downloaded
KAPETANOVIC, D., ZHENG, G., Wong, K.-K., & OTTERSTEN, B. (2013). Detection of Pilot Contamination Attack Using Random Training and Massive MIMO. In IEEE Personal Indoor, Mobile and Radio Conference (PIMRC) 2013.

The most cited

389 citations (OpenAlex)

ZHENG, G., KRIKIDIS, I., Jiangyuan, L., Petropulu, A. P., & OTTERSTEN, B. (2013). Improving Physical Layer Secrecy Using Full-Duplex Jamming Receivers. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 20 (61), 4962-4974. doi:10.1109/TSP.2013.2269049

Zhang, X., Nakhai, M. R., ZHENG, G., Lambotharan, S., & OTTERSTEN, B. (30 August 2019). Calibrated Learning for Online Distributed Power Allocation in Small-Cell Networks. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 67 (11), 8124 - 8136. doi:10.1109/TCOMM.2019.2938514
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Yan, X., An, K., Liang, T., ZHENG, G., Ding, Z., CHATZINOTAS, S., & Liu, Y. (15 May 2019). The Application of Power-Domain Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in Satellite Communication Networks. IEEE Access, 7, 63531 - 63539. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2917060
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Zhang, X., Nakhai, ZHENG, G., Lambotharan, S., & OTTERSTEN, B. (2019). A Calibrated Learning Approach to Distributed Power Allocation in Small Cell Networks. In ICASSP 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). United States: IEEE. doi:10.1109/ICASSP.2019.8683599
Peer reviewed

Guo, K., An, K., Zhang, Huang, Y., Guo, D., ZHENG, G., & CHATZINOTAS, S. (28 March 2019). On the Performance of the Uplink Satellite Multiterrestrial Relay Networks With Hardware Impairments and Interference. IEEE Systems Journal, 13 (3), 2297 - 2308. doi:10.1109/JSYST.2019.2901800
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An, K., Liang, T., ZHENG, G., Yan, X., Li, Y., & CHATZINOTAS, S. (2018). Performance Limits of Cognitive Uplink FSS and Terrestrial FS for Ka-Band. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. doi:10.1109/TAES.2018.2886611
Peer reviewed

Masouros, C., & ZHENG, G. (2015). IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference. In Power Efficient Downlink Beamforming Optimization by Exploiting Interference.
Peer reviewed

Liang, K., Zhao, L., Yang, K., ZHENG, G., & Ding, W. (July 2015). A Fair Power Splitting Algorithm for Simultaneous Wireless Information and Energy Transfer in CoMP Downlink Transmission. Wireless Personal Communications, 85 (4), 2687-2710. doi:10.1007/s11277-015-2928-7
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OTTERSTEN, B., KRIKIDIS, I., & ZHENG, G. (2013). Protocols and Stability Analysis for Energy Harvesting TDMA Systems with/without Relaying. In IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM).
Peer reviewed

KAPETANOVIC, D., ZHENG, G., Wong, K.-K., & OTTERSTEN, B. (2013). Detection of Pilot Contamination Attack Using Random Training and Massive MIMO. In IEEE Personal Indoor, Mobile and Radio Conference (PIMRC) 2013.
Peer reviewed

ZHENG, G., KRIKIDIS, I., Jiangyuan, L., Petropulu, A. P., & OTTERSTEN, B. (2013). Improving Physical Layer Secrecy Using Full-Duplex Jamming Receivers. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 20 (61), 4962-4974. doi:10.1109/TSP.2013.2269049
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ZHENG, G., Song, S., Wong, K.-K., & OTTERSTEN, B. (2013). Cooperative cognitive networks: Optimal, distributed and low-complexity algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 11 (61), 2778-2790. doi:10.1109/TSP.2013.2257762
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Kapetanovic, D., ZHENG, G., Wong, & OTTERSTEN, B. (2013). Detection of pilot contamination attack using random training and massive MIMO. In Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2013 IEEE 24th International Symposium on. doi:10.1109/PIMRC.2013.6666096
Peer reviewed

ZHENG, G., Jorswieck, E. A., & OTTERSTEN, B. (2013). Cooperative Communications against Jamming with Half-Duplex and Full-Duplex Relaying. In Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), 2013 IEEE 77th (pp. 1-5). doi:10.1109/VTCSpring.2013.6692490
Peer reviewed

Krikidis, I., ZHENG, G., & OTTERSTEN, B. (2013). Harvest-use cooperative networks with half/full-duplex relaying. In Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2013 IEEE. doi:10.1109/WCNC.2013.6555261
Peer reviewed

ZHENG, G., Krkidis, I., & OTTERSTEN, B. (2013). Full-duplex cooperative cognitive radio with transmit imperfections. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 5 (12), 2498-2511. doi:10.1109/TWC.2013.032513.121464
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Huang, Y., ZHENG, G., Bengtsson, M., Wong, K.-K., Yang, L., & OTTERSTEN, B. (25 June 2012). Distributed Multicell Beamforming Design Approaching Pareto Boundary with Max-Min Fairness. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 11 (8), 2921-2933. doi:10.1109/TWC.2012.061912.111751
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ZHENG, G., ARAPOGLOU, P.-D., & OTTERSTEN, B. (February 2012). Physical Layer Security in Multibeam Satellite Systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 11 (2), 852 - 863. doi:10.1109/TWC.2011.120911.111460
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ZHENG, G., CHATZINOTAS, S., & OTTERSTEN, B. (2012). Generic Optimization of Linear Precoding in Multibeam Satellite Systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 11 (6), 2308-2320. doi:10.1109/TWC.2012.040412.111629
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Meng, Q., Feng, W., ZHENG, G., CHATZINOTAS, S., & OTTERSTEN, B. (2012). Fixed Full Duplex Relaying for Wireless Broadband Communication. In Wireless Communications & Signal Processing (WCSP), 2012 International Conference on (pp. 1-5). doi:10.1109/WCSP.2012.6542903
Peer reviewed

Gerbracht, S., Jorswieck, E. A., ZHENG, G., & OTTERSTEN, B. (2012). Non-regenerative Two-Hop Wiretap Channels using Interference Neutralization. In Information Forensics and Security (WIFS), 2012 IEEE International Workshop on (pp. 258 - 263). IEEE. doi:10.1109/WIFS.2012.6412659
Peer reviewed

ZHENG, G., Jiangyuan, L., Wong, K.-K., Petropulu, A. P., & OTTERSTEN, B. (2012). Using simple relays to improve physical-layer security. In Communications in China (ICCC), 2012 1st IEEE International Conference on (pp. 329-333). IEEE. doi:10.1109/ICCChina.2012.6356902
Peer reviewed

ZHENG, G., CHATZINOTAS, S., & OTTERSTEN, B. (2012). Multi-gateway cooperation in multibeam satellite systems. In IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) (pp. 1360-1364). IEEE. doi:10.1109/PIMRC.2012.6362558
Peer reviewed

Björnson, E., ZHENG, G., Bengtsson, M., & OTTERSTEN, B. (2012). Robust Monotonic Optimization Framework for Multicell MISO Systems. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 60 (5), 2508-2523. doi:10.1109/TSP.2012.2184099
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CHRISTOPOULOS, D., CHATZINOTAS, S., ZHENG, G., Grotz, J., & OTTERSTEN, B. (2012). Linear and nonlinear techniques for multibeam joint processing in satellite communications. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2012 (162). doi:10.1186/1687-1499-2012-162
Peer reviewed

Huang, Y., ZHENG, G., Bengtsson, M., Wong, K., OTTERSTEN, B., & Yang. (February 2011). Distributed Multicell Beamforming with Limited Intercell Coordination. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 59 (2), 728-738. doi:10.1109/TSP.2010.2089621
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Björnson, E., Bengtsson, M., ZHENG, G., & OTTERSTEN, B. (2011). Computational Framework for Optimal Robust Beamforming in Coordinated Multicell Systems. In Computational Framework for Optimal Robust Beamforming in Coordinated Multicell Systems (pp. 245 - 248). IEEE. doi:10.1109/CAMSAP.2011.6135994
Peer reviewed

CHATZINOTAS, S., ZHENG, G., & OTTERSTEN, B. (2011). Energy-Efficient MMSE Beamforming and Power Optimization in Multibeam Satellite Systems. In Energy-Efficient MMSE Beamforming and Power Optimization in Multibeam Satellite Systems.
Peer reviewed

CHATZINOTAS, S., ZHENG, G., & OTTERSTEN, B. (2011). Joint Precoding with Flexible Power Constraints in Multibeam Satellite Systems. In Joint Precoding with Flexible Power Constraints in Multibeam Satellite Systems (pp. 1-1). doi:10.1109/GLOCOM.2011.6134087
Peer reviewed

ZHENG, G., Wong, K.-K., & OTTERSTEN, B. (December 2009). Robust Cognitive Beamforming With Bounded Channel Uncertainties. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 57 (12), 4871-4881. doi:10.1109/TSP.2009.2027462
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ZHENG, G., Wong, K.-K., Paulraj, A., & OTTERSTEN, B. (August 2009). Robust Collaborative-Relay Beamforming. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 57 (8), 3130-3143. doi:10.1109/TSP.2009.2021456
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ZHENG, G., Wong, K.-K., Paulraj, A., & OTTERSTEN, B. (April 2009). Collaborative-Relay Beamforming with Perfect CSI: Optimum and Distributed Implementation. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 16 (4), 257–260. doi:10.1109/LSP.2008.2010810
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