

Main Referenced Co-authors
VAN DER TORRE, Leon  (9)
PIGOZZI, Gabriella  (8)
BOELLA, Guido  (2)
JAMROGA, Wojciech  (2)
Ganesan, V. (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
judgment aggregation (3); agreement reaching (1); collective decision-making (1); conclusion-based (1); Conclusion-Based Procedure (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Computer science (13)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (1)

Publications (total 13)

The most downloaded
LANG, J., PIGOZZI, G., SLAVKOVIK, M., & VAN DER TORRE, L. (12 July 2011). Judgment aggregation rules based on minimization. Actes des Cinquièmes Journées Francophones Modèles Formel de l'Interaction (MFI 11), XIII, 238–246. doi:10.1145/2000378.2000407

The most cited

63 citations (OpenAlex)

LANG, J., PIGOZZI, G., SLAVKOVIK, M., & VAN DER TORRE, L. (12 July 2011). Judgment aggregation rules based on minimization. Actes des Cinquièmes Journées Francophones Modèles Formel de l'Interaction (MFI 11), XIII, 238–246. doi:10.1145/2000378.2000407

SLAVKOVIK, M. (2012). Judgement aggregation for multiagent systems [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

GARCIA BECERRO, F., Sousa, S., SLAVKOVIK, M., & VAN DER TORRE, L. (2012). Selecting judgment aggregation rules for NAO robots: an experimental approach. In Selecting judgment aggregation rules for NAO robots: an experimental approach (pp. 1403-1404).
Peer reviewed

SLAVKOVIK, M., & JAMROGA, W. (2012). Distance-Based Rules for Weighted Judgment Aggregation (Extended Abstract). Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS2012, 1405-1406.
Peer reviewed

LANG, J., PIGOZZI, G., SLAVKOVIK, M., & VAN DER TORRE, L. (12 July 2011). Judgment aggregation rules based on minimization. Actes des Cinquièmes Journées Francophones Modèles Formel de l'Interaction (MFI 11), XIII, 238–246. doi:10.1145/2000378.2000407
Peer reviewed

Ganesan, V., SLAVKOVIK, M., Sousa, S., & VAN DER TORRE, L. (2011). Judgment Aggregation for Cooperative Anchoring on the NAO Robots. Works-in-progress track - 3rd International Conference on Social Robotics.
Peer reviewed

BOELLA, G., PIGOZZI, G., SLAVKOVIK, M., & VAN DER TORRE, L. (2011). A Satisficing Agreements Model. Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Coordination, Organization, Institutions and Norms (COIN@WI-IAT). doi:10.1109/WI-IAT.2011.232
Peer reviewed

SLAVKOVIK, M., & JAMROGA, W. (2011). Distance-based Judgment Aggregation of Three-valued Judgments with Weights. In Proceedings of the IJCAI Workshop on Social Choice and Artificial Intelligence (pp. 81–87).
Peer reviewed

BOELLA, G., PIGOZZI, G., SLAVKOVIK, M., & VAN DER TORRE, L. (2010). Group Intentions are Social Choice with Commitment. Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Coordination, Optimization, Institution and Norms in Multiagent Systems (COIN@MALLOW'10), 115–133. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-21268-0_9
Peer reviewed

GROSSI, D., PIGOZZI, G., & SLAVKOVIK, M. (2009). White Manipulation in Judgment Aggregation [Paper presentation]. The 21st Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence.

PIGOZZI, G., SLAVKOVIK, M., & VAN DER TORRE, L. (2009). A complete conclusion-based procedure for judgment aggregation. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory (ADT) (pp. 1–13). Springer Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-04428-1_1
Peer reviewed

PIGOZZI, G., SLAVKOVIK, M., & VAN DER TORRE, L. (2008). Conclusion-based procedure for judgment aggregation satisfying premise independence. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory, LOFT 2008, 35.
Peer reviewed

PIGOZZI, G., SLAVKOVIK, M., & VAN DER TORRE, L. (2008). Independence in judgment aggregation. Proceedings of the Ninth International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, SCW'08. doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-419-0-1055
Peer reviewed

PIGOZZI, G., SLAVKOVIK, M., & VAN DER TORRE, L. (2008). Desirable Tie-breaking Rules in Collective Decision Making. Annales du LAMSADE, 171–174.
Peer reviewed

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