

Main Referenced Co-authors
Beisel, Jean-Nicolas (1)
Deloule, Etienne (1)
Grave, Cléa (1)
Lentzen, Esther (1)
McDonnell, Jeffrey (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
freshwater pearl mussel (1); margaritifera margaritifera (1); secondary ion mass spectrometry (1); stream water isotopes (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Earth sciences & physical geography (1)

Publications (total 1)

The most downloaded
Pfister, L., Thielen, F., Deloule, E., Valle, N., Lentzen, E., Grave, C., Beisel, J.-N., & McDonnell, J. (02 June 2018). Freshwater pearl mussels as a stream water stable isotope recorder. Ecohydrology, 11:e2007. doi:10.1002/eco.2007

The most cited

11 citations (WOS)

Pfister, L., Thielen, F., Deloule, E., Valle, N., Lentzen, E., Grave, C., Beisel, J.-N., & McDonnell, J. (02 June 2018). Freshwater pearl mussels as a stream water stable isotope recorder. Ecohydrology, 11:e2007. doi:10.1002/eco.2007

Pfister, L., Thielen, F., Deloule, E., Valle, N., Lentzen, E., Grave, C., Beisel, J.-N., & McDonnell, J. (02 June 2018). Freshwater pearl mussels as a stream water stable isotope recorder. Ecohydrology, 11:e2007. doi:10.1002/eco.2007
Peer reviewed

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