Article (Scientific journals)
Das lateinische Homiliar-Legendar des Dominikanerinnenklosters Marienthal (Brüssel KBR, Hs. 831-34). Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kontextualisierung der Lebensbeschreibung der Priorin Yolanda von Vianden
2022In Hemecht: Zeitschrift für Luxemburger Geschichte, 74 (1), p. 5-47
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi


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Keywords :
hagiography; Luxembourg; Marienthal; legendary; manuscript; codicology; Legendar; Handschrift; Kodikilogie; hagiographie; légendier; manuscrit; codicologie; Heiligenleben; Luxemburg
Abstract :
[en] The Marienthal homiliarium-legendarium represents a unique example of a Latin hagiographical collection from the early period of the Ordo fratrum Praedicatorum originating from a nunnery. In addition, it is a rare example of a 'traditional' Dominican hagiographical collection unlike the abbreviated collections written during the 13th century by members of the Dominican Order, which redefined the landscape of Latin hagiographical edition. Based on a detailed codicological study as well as an analysis of the texts contained in the legendarium section of the factice codex, this article questions the context of production and use of the book object. A key point is whether the legendarium was the product of a Dominican enterprise or not. The detailed study of the literary tradition of several of the texts also sheds light on the provenance of the collection. As a book belonging to a young female community of the Order, the homiliarium-legendarium also raises questions about the history of the conventual library and of its concrete use by the nuns. Like other manuscripts, it could be linked to the prioress Yolanda of Vianden whose life story is not unlike that of the saints in the legendarium.
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
DUBUISSON, Bastien ;  University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Humanities (DHUM)
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Title :
Das lateinische Homiliar-Legendar des Dominikanerinnenklosters Marienthal (Brüssel KBR, Hs. 831-34). Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kontextualisierung der Lebensbeschreibung der Priorin Yolanda von Vianden
Alternative titles :
[en] The Latin Homiliarium-Legendarium of the Dominican Nunnery of Marienthal (Bruxelles KBR, Ms. 831-34). At the Same Time a Contribution to the Contextualisation of the Biography of Prioress Yolanda of Vianden
[fr] L'homéliaire-légendier latin du couvent de dominicaines de Marienthal (Brussels KBR, ms. 831-34). Y compris une contribution à la contextualisation de la description de la vie de la prieure Yolande de Vianden
Publication date :
Journal title :
Hemecht: Zeitschrift für Luxemburger Geschichte
Publisher :
Editions Saint Paul, Luxembourg
Volume :
Issue :
Pages :
Peer reviewed :
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
FnR Project :
FNR13505915 - Books, Saints, And Men: For A Revaluation Of Latin Hagiographic Culture In The Diocese Of Trier (13th-16th Centuries), 2019 (15/09/2019-14/09/2023) - Bastien Dubuisson
Funders :
FNR - Fonds National de la Recherche [LU]
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since 02 January 2022


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