Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Successive zero-forcing DPC with sum power constraint: Low-complexity optimal designs
Tran, L.-N.; Juntti, M.; Bengtsson, M. et al.
2012In 2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2012
Peer reviewed


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Keywords :
Channel matrices; Design method; Dirty paper coding; Iterative algorithm; Low-complexity; Lower complexity; Maximization problem; MIMO broadcast channels; Null space; Optimal design; Orthonormal basis; Power constraints; Precoder design; Precoders; QR decomposition; Recursive structure; Residual interference; Sum-rate; Zero-forcing; Algorithms; Design; Interference suppression; Optimization; Radio broadcasting; Singular value decomposition; Telecommunication links
Abstract :
[en] Successive zero-forcing dirty paper coding (SZF-DPC) is a simplified alternative to DPC for MIMO broadcast channels (MIMO BCs). In the SZF-DPC scheme, the noncausally-known interference is canceled by DPC, while the residual interference is suppressed by the ZF technique. Due to the ZF constraints, the precoders are constrained to lie in the null space of a matrix. For the sum rate maximization problem under a sum power constraint, the existing precoder designs naturally rely on the singular value decomposition (SVD). The SVD-based design is optimal but needs high computational complexity. Herein, we propose two low-complexity optimal precoder designs for SZF-DPC, all based on the QR decomposition (QRD), which requires lower complexity than SVD. The first design method is an iterative algorithm to find an orthonormal basis of the null space of a matrix that has a recursive structure. The second proposed method, which will be shown to require the lowest complexity, results from applying a single QRD to the matrix comprising all users' channel matrices. We analytically and numerically show that the two proposed precoder designs are optimal. © 2012 IEEE.
Disciplines :
Electrical & electronics engineering
Identifiers :
Author, co-author :
Tran, L.-N.;  Centre for Wireless Communications and Dept. Commun. Eng., University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
Juntti, M.;  Centre for Wireless Communications and Dept. Commun. Eng., University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
Bengtsson, M.;  Centre for Wireless Communications, Dept. Commun. Eng., University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
OTTERSTEN, Björn ;  University of Luxembourg > Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SNT)
External co-authors :
Language :
Title :
Successive zero-forcing DPC with sum power constraint: Low-complexity optimal designs
Publication date :
Event name :
2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2012
Event date :
10 June 2012 through 15 June 2012
Audience :
Main work title :
2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2012
Pages :
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
Commentary :
94823 9781457720529
Available on ORBilu :
since 09 March 2016


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