Abstract :
[en] With the rapid development in availability of cloud services, the techniques for securely outsourcing the prohibitively expensive computations to untrusted servers are getting more and more attentions in the scientific community. Exponentiations modulo a large prime have been considered the most expensive operation in discrete-logarithm based cryptographic protocols, and the computationally limited devices such as RFID tags or smartcard may be incapable to accomplish these operations. Therefore, it is meaningful to present an efficient method to securely outsource most of this work-load to (untrusted) cloud servers. In this paper, we propose a new secure outsourcing algorithm for (variable-exponent, variable-base) exponentiation modular a prime in the two untrusted program model. Compared with the state-of-the-art algorithm \cite{HL05}, the proposed algorithm is superior in both efficiency and checkability. We then utilize this algorithm as a subroutine to achieve outsource-secure Cramer-Shoup encryptions and Schnorr signatures. Besides, we propose the first outsource-secure and efficient algorithm for simultaneous modular exponentiations. Moreover, we formally prove that both the algorithms can achieve the desired security notions. We also provide the experimental evaluation that demonstrates the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed outsourcing algorithms and schemes.
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