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Article (Scientific journals)
Johann von Böhmen und das Haus Luxemburg
PAULY, Michel
2011In Historie - Otázky - Problémy, 3 (2), p. 25-39


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Keywords :
Johann der Blinde von Luxemburg; Luxemburgerdynastie; Königreich Böhmen; Grafschaft Luxemburg; Territorialverwaltung
Abstract :
[en] John of Luxembourg became widely known as a legend, which authors of chronicles started to depict immediately after his death at Crécy. Until the 19th century, he was traditionally described as a valiant and loyal knight. However, research done in the last fifteen years changed this picture and shed a different light on it. John was undoubtedly an experienced warrior, but waging war was not his only activity. Latest research emphasizes especially his diplomatic skills. In the course of thirty‑six years he in fact attempted thirty‑six projects of marriage convenient for the Luxembourg dynasty. His policy within the Empire was dominated by his dream to acquire the imperial crown. The article focuses mainly on Johnʼs policies in the county of Luxembourg, where it was important to ensure tenancy of property and if possible, to expand its territory. It expanded successfully towards several of its neighbours, while in the case of Trier, it was only possible to defend the status quo. During his reign, he was one of the first counts in the Empire to use modern means of governance: collecting pecuniary dues from the serfs or appointing ministerial clerks responsible for administrative tasks, giving preference, especially in financial administration, to competent burghers. He had the land urbarium updated and was the first to appoint a general tax collector for the whole county. Under the rule of his son Charles, the focal point of the dynasty shifted to central Europe and the county of Luxembourg became, to its own detriment, a less important land frequently used as a pledge.
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
PAULY, Michel ;  University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education (FLSHASE) > Identités, Politiques, Sociétés, Espaces (IPSE)
Language :
Title :
Johann von Böhmen und das Haus Luxemburg
Alternative titles :
[en] King John of Bohemia and the House of Luxermbourg
Publication date :
Journal title :
Historie - Otázky - Problémy
Publisher :
Phil. Fakultät der Karlsuniversität, Prag, Czechia
Special issue title :
Lucemburkové na českém trůnu
Volume :
Issue :
Pages :
Name of the research project :
F3R-IPS-PUL-10LOTH > Etude de la Lotharingie médiévale VIII > > PETTIAU Hérold
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