[en] Biosphere reserves are considered as model regions for a sustainable development in which the relations between humans and the environment represent the focal point of research. However, only a few studies dealing with socio-economic questions have been carried out so far. Using the example of the still young Bliesgau biosphere reserve in Saarland, Germany, this contribution gives a first summary of its evaluation by the local population and first successes of the regional economy. The results of a quantitative survey provide information about the population’s awareness of institutions and offers, the disposition to actively participate and the perception of the Bliesgau biosphere reserve. Moreover, factors, which influence these aspects, are emphasized. By examining the regional economy, strengths and deficits, which inform about the regional added value, are pointed out additionally. The enforcement of regional economic cycles represents an important task in the Bliesgau biosphere reserve. Based on these results, our socio-economic studies provide the first basic principles and findings for future research as early as two years after the designation by UNESCO.
Disciplines :
Sociology & social sciences Human geography & demography
Author, co-author :
Lübke, Stephanie; Universität des Saarlandes > Geographie
Neumann, Ute; Universität Kaiserslautern > Stadtsoziologie