PERAL ALONSO, I., KORJONEN, M. H., & BADANJAK, K. (2024). FAIR Data Mapping - a tool designed to bridge data illiteracy gap in research [Paper presentation]. EARMA Conference 2024.
Researchers struggle to draft Data Management Plans. At we have created a tool to bridge the knowledge gap and get the work done while addressing best open science practices.
CURTI, E., & KORJONEN, M. H. (2024). Check out our paper books on Research Data Management.
CURTI, E., & KORJONEN, M. H. (2024). Discover e-resources on research data management.
KORJONEN, M. H., SCHYMANSKI, E., PERAL ALONSO, I., TRAN, J. T. D., & POPLETEEVA, M. (2024). 10 tips to spring clean your data (factsheet).
KORJONEN, M. H. (2023). ORBilu visibility poster.
ORBilu makes you and your research visible. By depositing on ORBilu first, many harvesters and web search engines harvest content from ORBilu and disseminates it on for example Google Scholar, etc. Always start with ORBilu.
RECKINGER, R., KAPGEN, D., KORJONEN, M. H., & PAX, A. C. (2022). The methodological approach of developing the interactive infographic: ‘Food System Discovery – Actors and activities in Luxembourg’. An explanatory overview for users.
The methodology behind creating the interactive infographic: ‘Food System Discovery – Actors and activities in Luxembourg’ included several rounds of literature reviews, other data collection methods, data analysis and data visualisation. The initial methodological step was a two-fold literature review; the first to find out how food systems are usually conceptualised and depicted in literature, find strengths and gaps in these conceptualisations, and provide a further development to food system approaches. It led to a broad view of the foodscape, made from the food supply circuit actors and the broader food system actors as one inseparable entity or system. The second literature review concerned theories of visualisation of data as well as theories of information and knowledge representation to find a method to depict food system data in an as complete as possible while still accessible way. Data collection after the initial literature reviews consisted in gathering information on food system actors and their activities, and the specificities of actors and their activities in Luxembourg. We relied on grey and published literature, Internet browsing, media monitoring, and other data collection activities such as interviews, brainstorming, snowballing with food actors as well as feedback sessions with students, food system actors and fellow researchers. A large database of collected data was created to organise actors and their activities in several classification levels. To do this, we analysed each actor’s mission and their main activity, and described their activities by using descriptors (descriptive keywords) for main action, sub-action, refined sub- action, produce/output and in some cases hierarchy. For the interactive infographic, this led to a four- level depiction with each new level refining the previous one (Level 1=Actor categories, each one represented by a different colourful bubble; Level 2=Actor groups, represented as elements composing the bubbles; Level 3=Actor types; Level 4=Actor examples). Regarding transposability to different contexts (other than Luxembourg), levels one and two are mostly transposable to food systems in general whereas level three is more Luxembourg-specific and level four is Luxembourg-exclusive. This document outlines the methodological approach and creation process of the interactive infographic to a varied audience, with due regard to communicating the approach to the general public. It can be used as an accompanying guide for discovering the infographic interactively.
RECKINGER, R., KAPGEN, D., KORJONEN, M. H., & Pax, A. (2022). Infographic 2: Food System Discovery - Actors and Activities in Luxembourg.
This infographic forms part of a larger series of infographics produced by the Sustainable Food Practices team at the University of Luxembourg. The first infographic is titled ‘Food System Synopsis – The Foodscape in Luxembourg’ and is available on our website. The second and interactive infographic, titled ‘Food System Discovery – Actors and activities in Luxembourg’, derives from our first infographic and provides a deeper level of analysis, a description and definitions of all the actor groups and their activities in the food system. The interactive online version is available here. The purpose of the series of infographics produced by the Sustainable Food Practices team at the University of Luxembourg is to analyse the food system in Luxembourg in four steps – from mapping the existing foodscape in Luxembourg to elaborating pathways for the transition processes towards a more sustainable food system.  This 2nd Infographic ‘Food System Discovery – Actors and activities in Luxembourg’ (reference: IG2-v.A) allows a user to explore the previously published, first static Infographic (‘Food System Synopsis – The foodscape in Luxembourg’) in further depth using playful and interactive navigation tools. Our methodological approach to this infographic will be made available here soon. Our research resulted in the two overarching kinds of actors: those that deal directly ‘with’ food – operating at the level of the food supply circuit, and actors engaging in a varied array of activities revolving ‘around’ food – operating at the broader food system level. These two combined comprise the whole food system. The research then led to an ensuing distillation of these actors into: actor categories, actor groups, and actor types, with each level further specifying the activities taken by actors. The definitions of the actor categories, actor groups and actor types allows the infographic to be transposed to other contexts, while only the example actors from Luxembourg are context-specific to the country. For these reasons, the depicted food system is not only Luxembourg’s food system, but a more general view of food systems.  In the future we will build on the two first infographics to demonstrate interrelationships, pressure points, gaps and opportunities – and the outcome of this analysis will provide the basis for the research team to unfold pathways for potential optimisation of different leverage points within the system. 
RECKINGER, R., KAPGEN, D., KORJONEN, M. H., & Pax, A. (August 2022). Goodness Groceries! A mobile sustainable food shopping app advocating for food literacy and ethical choices. Entailments for suppliers, consumers and researchers [Paper presentation]. ESA RN5 – Midterm Meeting of the Research Network of Sociology of Consumption, Oslo, Norway.
Within the currently rising concerns around sustainability of food systems, in the related economic areas of regenerative production modes, responsible supply chains and informed consumption, there often remains a practice gap between what people know they should do and what they actually do. This is preceded by a knowledge gap: the knowledge of what a sustainable product specifically is tends not to be entirely consensual, blurred with potentially contradicting injunctions between different claims of sustainability. Instead of trying to solve this puzzle with metrics, we propose an App that makes various components of sustainability transparent, thus qualifying sustainability complexity. Our aim is not to hierarchically determine ‘the best’ sustainable choice, but rather to relationally empower consumers to choose the product with the sustainability criteria that most fit their values and priorities. Goodness Groceries is a University of Luxembourg consumer study piloting a mobile sustainable food shopping app in partnership with a supermarket chain. The App acts as a virtual shopping companion providing eco-responsible and ethical product information of selected staple food products, each time for up to four types: local organic, local conventional, imported organic and imported conventional. The information provided is based on self-assessments made by product suppliers. Each food item is granted criteria in the four main areas of Environment, Social Well-being, Economic Well-being and Good Governance, subdivided into relevant indicators (cf. SAFA guidelines, FAO 2014) – marked with easy-to-recognise icons. The user-friendly App is designed to scan alternatives of the same product via a QR code whilst shopping, to analyse if this helps consumers make an informed choice – or not, and why. Starting in Spring 2022, entailments of the (ongoing) study and App in terms of structural obstacles for researchers, necessary supply chain adaptations for suppliers and analysis of consumers’ shopping habits and App usage feedback will be discussed.
KORJONEN, M. H. (2021). Google Scholar: a review of literature examining its effectiveness as a search tool. Reading, United Kingdom: IFIS Publishing.
Google Scholar (GS) is the top search engine used by those who are looking for scholarly content1. There are many reasons for this, not least that it feels familiar 2, 3. However, a review of the literature reveals that there are significant limitations to its effectiveness.  
RECKINGER, R., KAPGEN, D., & KORJONEN, M. H. (2021). Food Governance durch Qualitätszertifizierungen. In J. Godeman & T. Bartelmeß, Handbuch Ernährungskommunikation. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven im Kontext von Nachhaltigkeit (1). Springer DE. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-27315-6_27-1
In diesem Beitrag wird das Potential von Qualitätszertifizierungen zur Förderung eines nachhaltigen oder ethisch verantwortlichen Lebensmitteleinkaufs, sowohl in Bezug auf VerbraucherInnen als auch Akteure des öffentlichen Beschaffungswesens, vorgestellt. Es wird gezeigt, dass Governance-basierte Qualitätszertifizierungen wie Label effiziente Kommunikationsinstrumente für nachhaltigkeitsorientierte Ernährung sein können, indem sie Ernährungskompetenz und nachhaltigeres Einkaufsverhalten bei potentiell widersprüchlichen Interessen fördern, insbesondere, wenn die Zertifizierung den Mehrwert des Produktes transparent aufzeigt und die definierten Nachhaltigkeitskriterien gesetzlich verpflichtend sind. Political food communication may take many forms, including direct recommendations to public institutions and private households (cf. Reckinger/Régnier 2017), or more indirect labelling schemes that certify various types of quality – from sustainable via nutritious to ethical. The underlying governance claims differ in those cases: in the first one, priority is given to analytical, top-down information to procurement actors and to individuals of a given population; in the second one, action is rather taken in the direction of food production and transformation, be it top-down or participatory, with an associated effort to make the communicated guarantees transparent to consumers. In this article, we will analyse in a praxeological perspective the contrasting governance claims that structure a selection of labelling schemes in contemporary Luxembourg: official ones (such as organic produce, among others), voluntary and regional ones, international ones, as well as supermarket brands blurring boundaries and using overlaps of several labels. We will compare the guarantees and transparency that labels tend to offer in the socio-ecological, socioeconomic, sociocultural and socio-political dimensions of food certification, viewed as a potentially enabling or disabling form of food communication. At the same time, we will examine the potential of these aids for individual consumers’ priorities and public procurement actors’ legal framework in selecting foodstuffs with added sustainable or ethical value, asking the question if such certifications are efficient tools of food communication and ultimately of an enhanced food literacy in an arena of potentially conflicting and crowded messages.
Peer reviewed
RECKINGER, R., KAPGEN, D., & KORJONEN, M. H. (July 2020). An infographic synopsis of Luxembourg’s Food System. Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur in Luxemburg, 408, 39-42.
Peer reviewed
RECKINGER, R., KAPGEN, D., & KORJONEN, M. H. (20 April 2020). Nous voulons apporter notre soutien sur le fond du débat. Brennpunkt. Le magazine critique sur le développement, 309 (Mars 2020), p. 25-26.
Ibragimova, I., & KORJONEN, M. H. (2019). The value of librarians for clinical and health governance (a view from Europe). International Journal of Health Governance, 24 (1), 66--88. doi:10.1108/IJHG-11-2018-0062
Purpose Governance of healthcare organisations and health systems requires many different competencies, with a great emphasis on evidence and information governance, which are traditional fields of...
Peer reviewed
KORJONEN, M. H., & Barratt, C. C. (2019). The Role of the Academic Librarian in the Sciences of Food and Health. Science and Technology Libraries, 1--17. doi:10.1080/0194262X.2019.1585310
ABSTRACTThis study investigates the information seeking behavior of faculty and graduate students in the sciences of food and health. We compare three food science research sources through quantitative and qualitative research methods of interviews, observational studies, and surveys. We aimed to discover what motivates scientists' information seeking, how they search, what barriers they experience, and how they critically evaluate information sources. We explored faculty perceptions of literature review practice in the field and by their students, their preferences for training and best practice in order to improve research quality. Recommendations for librarians supporting food science and related departments are provided.
Peer reviewed
KORJONEN, M. H. (2018). Communicating Air Pollution Episodes to Vulnerable Populations, a report for Public Health England, DEFRA and Department of Health.
This report was funded by the Department of Health and Department for Environment and Rural Affairs to examine how best communicate air pollution episodes to vulnerable populations. The findings and recommendations were used in the UK air pollution strategy UK Clean Air Strategy 2019
Brookes, C., & KORJONEN, M. H. (2018). Amsterdam Healthy Weight Programme (AHWP) part of the Health Equity Pilot Project. Brussels, Belgium: European Commission.
The Amsterdam Healthy Weight Programme was established in 2013 by the Amsterdam Municipality in order to give every child ‘a healthy childhood and future, regardless of their start in life'1 . The overall objective is to achieve a healthy weight for all children in Amsterdam by 2033. The programme is a universal programme aiming to impact on children across Amsterdam by changing some of the environmental drivers of obesity, but targeted to those neighbourhoods with the highest proportion of overweight and obese children, and those schools with the highest proportion of overweight or obese pupils. The programme is also targeted at those children with the risk factor for obesity of lower income or education parents, and parents of non-Dutch origin. It has both preventative aspects as well as offering support and advice for those children and their parents/carers who are already overweight and obese. From the point of view of addressing health inequalities is interesting both because it has a particular focus on more
KORJONEN, M. H. (2018). Walkability in Kraków part of the Health Equity Pilot Project. Brussels, Belgium: European Commission.
This pilot project provided support for knowledge sharing and policy development to reduce health inequalities in the EU, with a focus on the lifestyle determinants such as alcohol consumption, nutrition and physical activity, particularly in Member States with the greatest needs. The three-year HEPP project started in January 2016 and will finish in December 2018. The project aimed to reach the above aims by: Updating scientific evidence and reviewing policies and actions Conducting case studies on policies and actions in different Member States Implementing workshops and expert exchange to break barriers to inter-sectoral action on health inequalities Ensuring synergies and support to the health determinants in related Joint Actions Facilitating information exchange and collaboration between groups of experts and stakeholders This case study relates to the sustainable transport policy of Krakow, Poland.
KORJONEN, M. H. (2017). Competing for space in an already crowded market: a mixed methods study of why an online community of practice (CoP) for alcohol harm reduction failed to generate interest amongst the group of public health professionals at which it was aimed. Implementation Science, (12), 91. doi:10.1186/s13012-017-0622-8
Background: Improving mechanisms for knowledge translation (KT) and connecting decision-makers to each other and the information and evidence they consider relevant to their work remains a priority for public health. Virtual communities of practices (CoPs) potentially offer an affordable and flexible means of encouraging connection and sharing of evidence, information and learning among the public health community in ways that transgress traditional geographical, professional, institutional and time boundaries. The suitability of online CoPs in public health, however, has rarely been tested. This paper explores the reasons why particular online CoP for alcohol harm reduction hosted by the UK Health Forum failed to generate sufficient interest from the group of public health professionals at which it was aimed. Methods: The study utilises online web-metrics demonstrating a lack of online activity on the CoP. One hundred and twenty seven responses to an online questionnaire were used to explore whether the lack of activity could be explained by the target audience’s existing information and evidence practices and needs. Qualitative interviews with 10 members describe in more detail the factors that shape and inhibit use of the virtual CoP by those at which it was targeted. Results: Quantitative and qualitative data confirm that the target audience had an interest in the kind of information and evidence the CoP was set up to share and generate discussion about, but also that participants considered themselves to already have relatively good access to the information and evidence they needed to inform their work. Qualitative data revealed that the main barriers to using the CoP were a proliferation of information sources meaning that participants preferred to utilise trusted sources that were already established within their daily routines and a lack of time to engage with new online tools that required any significant commitment.
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KORJONEN, M. H., & Hughes, E. (2016). Capacity and information needs assessment of the civil society organisations in the Caribbean.
Funded by the international department at Public Health England and the Department of Health England, this is a study looking at capacity and information needs in the Caribbean civil society organisations.
KORJONEN, M. H. (July 2015). Virtual communities of practice: can they support the prevention agenda in public health? Online Journal of Public Health Informatics, 7 (2), 222. doi:10.5210/ojphi.v7i2.6031
BACKGROUND: Virtual Communities of Practice (CoPs) are flexible communication and knowledge management tools enabling collaboration, sharing of best practice and professional development. There have been few studies that have looked at the use and usefulness of virtual CoPs in public health. METHODS: This project sought to gather the evidence and develop recommendations for the value of virtual CoPs in public health through a literature review, and through piloting two CoPs in obesity. The research aimed to find out how useful CoPs are in obesity prevention, what makes a CoP successful and what evaluation methods are appropriate. RESULTS: CoPs are composed of observers, passive and active contributors with a small group of 'super-users'. All users learn through reading and listening, even if they do not post. The CoPs had higher levels of reading activity as opposed to low levels of posting activity. Longer existence of CoPs usually means more active membership. There are complex reasons why users fail to engage in knowledge sharing. Success of a CoP is creating an online environment where users feel comfortable. CoPs need administrative support and facilitation. Champions play a vital role. CONCLUSIONS: Evidence shows some encouraging results about the value of CoPs in enabling collaboration and information sharing. Despite low membership numbers of the obesity CoPs piloted, members see value and suggest improvements. Findings suggest that success comes from leadership, champions, and larger networks with more posting activity. Mixed methods of quantitative and qualitative research are appropriate in measuring the use and impact of CoPs.
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Ford, J., & KORJONEN, M. H. (2012). Information needs of public health practitioners: a review of the literature. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 29 (4), 260-73. doi:10.1111/hir.12001
OBJECTIVE: To review published literature covering the information needs of public health practitioners and papers highlighting gaps and potential solutions in order to summarise what is already known about this population and models tested to support them. METHODS: The search strategy included bibliographic databases LISTA, LISA, PubMed and Web of Knowledge. The results of this literature review were used to create two tables displaying published literature. FINDINGS: The literature highlighted that some research has taken place into different public health subgroups with consistent findings. Gaps in information provision have also been identified by looking at the information services provided. CONCLUSION: There is a need for further research into information needs in subgroups of public health practitioners as this group is diverse, has different needs and needs varying information. Models of informatics that can support public health must be developed and published so that the public health information community can share experiences and solutions and begin to build an evidence-base to produce superior information systems for the goal of a healthier society.
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KORJONEN, M. H. (2011). The Obesity Learning Centre (OLC) - a website supporting those working towards a healthy weight and reducing obesity levels. Online Journal of Public Health Informatics, 3 (1). doi:10.5210/ojphi.v3i1.3392
Objectives: Develop a website, the OLC, which supports those people who work on promoting a healthy weight and tackling obesity. Research shows that original networks where sharing of information and peer interaction take place create solutions to current public health challenges. Methods: Considerations that are relevant when building a new information service as well as the technical set up and information needs of users were taken into account prior to building the OLC and during continuous development and maintenance. Results: The OLC provides global news, resources and tools and link out to other networks, websites and organisations providing similar useful information. The OLC also uses social networking tools to highlight new and important information. Discussion: Networks contribute to a stronger community that can respond to emerging challenges in public health. The OLC improves connections of people and services from different backgrounds and organisations. Some challenges exist in the technical set up and also because of other aspects, e.g. public health information and differing information needs. Conclusion: Public health work programmes should include networking opportunities where public policy can be disseminated. The provision of necessary tools and resources can lead to better decision-making, save time and money and lead to improved public health outcomes.
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