Contribution to encyclopedias, dictionaries... (Parts of books)
Online communities and online community building
Kindsmüller, Martin Christof; MELZER, André; Mentler, Tilo
2008In Khosrow-Pour, M. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technologie
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Audioworld: A spatial audio tool for acoustic and cognitive learning
MELZER, André; Kindsmüller, M. C.; Herczeg, M.
2010In In R. Nordahl et al. (Eds.), HAID 2010, LNCS 6306, pp. 46–54.
Peer reviewed
Article (Scientific journals)
Macbeth and the joystick: Evidence for moral cleansing after playing a violent video game
Gollwitzer, Mario; MELZER, André
2012In Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48, p. 1356-1360
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Preparing a cup of tea and writing a letter: Do script-based actions influence the representation of a real environment?
Wagener, Monika; Mecklenbräuker, Silvia; Wippich, Werner et al.
2000In Freksa, C.; Habel, C.; Wender, K.-F. (Eds.) Spatial Cognition II: An interdisciplinary approach to representing and processing spatial knowledge
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Bubble Caster – a mixed reality children application for interactive shadow play
Winkler, Thomas; Arend, Sonja; Hadley, Lia et al.
2005In Proceedings of IDC 2005, Boulder, Colorado, USA
Peer reviewed
Book published as author, translator, etc. (Books)
Farbe erinnern. Farbinformationen in impliziten und expliziten Gedächtnistests
2007VDM Verlag, Saarbrücken, Germany
Doctoral thesis (Dissertations and theses)
Von roten Autos und blauen Töpfen: Farbinformationen in impliziten und expliziten Gedächtnistests. Dissertation
Article (Scientific journals)
When items become victims: Brand memory in violent and nonviolent games
MELZER, André; Bushman, B. J.; Hofmann, U. G.
Peer reviewed
Article (Scientific journals)
Using the Moles and the Mini Moles software sytem to bridge the gap between indoor and outdoor learning experiences
MELZER, André; Hadley, L.; Glasemann, M. et al.
2006In IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet, 4 (2), p. 48-58
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Der interaktive Perspektivenfilm als Hyperfilm auf Video-DVD
Jeskulke, Oliver; Hasse, Sebastian; MELZER, André et al.
2004In In R. Keil–Slawik, H. Selke, & G. Szwillus (Hrsg.), Mensch und Computer 2004: Allgegenwärtige Interaktion (S. 169-178)
Peer reviewed
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
The interactive and multi-protagonist film: A hypermovie on DVD
MELZER, André; Hasse, Sebastian; Jeskulke, Oliver et al.
2004In Rauterberg, M. (Ed.) ICEC2004, LNCS 3166, Eindhoven 1-3 September 2004
Peer reviewed
Collective work published as editor or director (Books)
XXth ISRA World Meeting 2012 at the University of Luxembourg. Abstract Book
Scientific Program Committee and Organization Committee; MELZER, André
2012Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Spielen mit Gewalt - Gewalt in digitalen Spielen
2013In Gudehus, C.; Christ, M. (Eds.) Gewalt. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch
Article (Scientific journals)
The mere exposure effect is sensitive to color information: Evidence for color effects in a perceptual implicit memory test
Hupbach, Almut; MELZER, André; Hardt, Oliver
2006In Experimental Psychology, 53 (3), p. 233-345
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Using iterative design and development for mobile learning systems in school projects
MELZER, André; Hadley, L.; Glasemann, M. et al.
2007In Proceedings of ICEC CELDA 2007
Peer reviewed
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Kinder, Jugendliche und Videospiele: Was Eltern wissen sollten (II) – Was macht Videospiele attraktiv? Wie können Eltern handeln?
2010In Kuck mat wat deng Kanner maachen!
Expert report (Reports)
MELZER, André; Donoso, Véronica
Expert report (Reports)
Expert report (Reports)
Implicit does it better! Implicit and explicit measures in Advertising Effect Research. Survey of the literature
MELZER, André; Ly, Thanh Thu
Expert report (Reports)
Implicit does it better! Implizite und explizite Maße der Werbewirkungsmessung. Literaturübersicht
MELZER, André; Ly, Thanh Thu
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Game character appeal in the eye of the beholder: The role of gendered perceptions
MELZER, André; Engelberg, Elisabeth
201666th ICA Annual Conference
Scientific presentation in universities or research centers (Scientific presentations in universities or research centers)
Video games and their effects: the Pros and Cons of a fascinating medium.
Scientific presentation in universities or research centers (Scientific presentations in universities or research centers)
How to measure aggressive behavior in the lab?
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Do moral concerns predict moral memory after playing violent video games?
201565th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA)
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Violent gamers’ moral self-regulation: Exploring the effect of private self-awareness on aggressive behavior
2014XIX. Workshop Aggression
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Wenn Männer plötzlich Douglas mögen: Implizite Werbewirkung am Beispiel des Novelty-Effekts für Markenlogos.
Barden, Julia; MELZER, André
201418. Tagung der Gesellschaft für angewandte Wirtschaftspsychologie
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Craving for violence: The role of Dark Personality traits in violent video game preference
20196th International Conference on Behavioral Addictions (ICBA)
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Of princesses, paladins, and player motivations: Gender stereotypes and gendered perceptions in video games
2019In Breuer, Johannes; Pietschmann, Daniel; Liebold, Benny et al. (Eds.) Evolutionary psychology and digital games. Digital hunter-gatherers
Peer reviewed
Poster (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
How to threaten male gamers: The effects of stereotype threat on video game performance
Wagener, Gary L.; MELZER, André
201868th Annual ICA Conference
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Dark Souls like "Dark Souls": Personality Characteristics and Preference for Violent Video Games
MELZER, André; Engelberg, Elisabeth
201868th Annual ICA Conference
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
The Hormones of Dark Souls: The Dark Tetrad and Violent Gaming Effects on Aggression, Cortisol and Testosterone Levels
Wagener, Gary; Felten, Andrea; MELZER, André
202171st Annual International Communication Association Conference
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Social Engineering by Chocolate – Reciprocity Increases the Willingness to Communicate Personal Data
2017Computers, Privacy & Data Protection 2017
Article (Scientific journals)
Comment on the global gaming industry’s statement on ICD-11 gaming disorder: A corporate strategy to disregard harm and deflect social responsibility?
King, Daniel; MELZER, André; Gaming Industry Response Consortium
2018In Addiction
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Poster (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Avatar Sex Moderates Aggression in Violent Video Games, But Only for Women
MELZER, André; Schmidt, Alexander F.
201710th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs)
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Exposure to Sexualized Pictures Primes Occupational Stereotypes
MELZER, André; Ramsperger, Stephan
201716. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs)
Article (Scientific journals)
Iterative design of mobile learning systems for school projects
MELZER, André; Hadley, L.; Glasemann, M. et al.
2009In Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning, 6 (4), p. 235-251
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Article (Scientific journals)
Picture or word superiority effects in implicit memory: levels of processing, attention and retrieval constraints
Wippich, Werner; MELZER, André; Mecklenbräuker, Silvia
1998In Swiss Journal of Psychology, 51 (1), p. 33-46
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Click or strike: Realistic versus standard game controls in violent video games and their effects on aggression
MELZER, André; Derks, I.; Heydekorn, J. et al.
2010In In H. S. Yang et al. (Eds.), ICEC 2010, LNCS 6243. pp. 171-182. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer
Peer reviewed
Expert report (Reports)
IT Security. An empirical study on the willingness of people to communicate personal data (also available in French and German)
STEFFGEN, Georges; MELZER, André
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Kinder, Jugendliche und Videospiele: Was Eltern wissen sollten (I) – Videospiele und ihre Wirkung
MELZER, André; HAPP, Christian
2010In Kuck mat wat deng Kanner maachen!
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Gendered self-concept: What does it reveal about people’s preference for violent video games?
ENGELBERG, Elisabeth; MELZER, André
201565th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA)
Article (Scientific journals)
Parental Mediation of Children’s Television and Video Game Use in Germany: Active and Embedded in Family Processes
SCHAAN, Violetta; MELZER, André
2015In Journal of Children and Media, 9 (1), p. 58-76
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Aggressive, belligerent, and gruff: Male gender role perception and the preference for violent video games
ENGELBERG, Elisabeth; MELZER, André
2014XXIst World Meeting of the International Society for Research on Aggression (ISRA) 2014
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
The glue of the (virtual) social world? Exploring the role of empathy in violent video games
HAPP, Christian; MELZER, André
2014XIX. Workshop Aggression
Poster (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Gendered self-concept: What does it reveal about people's preference for violent video games?
ENGELBERG, Elisabeth; MELZER, André
201417th European Conference on Personality
Book published as author, translator, etc. (Books)
Empathy and Violent Video Games: Aggression and Prosocial Behavior
HAPP, Christian; MELZER, André
2014Palgrave Pivot
Poster (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Parental mediation of children’s television and video game use: Active and embedded in family processes
SCHAAN, Violetta; MELZER, André
201464th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA)
Poster (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Restrictive but family focused: Family climate affects parental mediation of children’s media use.
SCHAAN, Violetta; MELZER, André
201116th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
“It felt wrong to me to play that way” Understanding moral decision-making in video games through focus group discussions
HOLL, Elisabeth; Bernard, Steve; MELZER, André
2019In Nebel, Steve; Pietschmann, Daniel; Schneider, Sascha et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Media Psychology Division
Peer reviewed
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Male vs female gamers: Testing the stereotype threat effect in video gaming
HOLL, Elisabeth; Wagener, Gary Lee; MELZER, André
201917th Conference of the Social Psychology Section
Book published as author, translator, etc. (Books)
Players' moral decisions in virtual worlds: Morality in video games
MELZER, André; HOLL, Elisabeth
2020Oxford University Press, New York, United States
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Understanding Moral Decision-Making in Video Games: A Focus Group Study
HOLL, Elisabeth; Bernard, Steve; MELZER, André
202070th Annual International Communication Association Conference
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
The Effects of Sexualized Violence in Video Games on Rape Myth Acceptance
201767th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
It's not only the game, it's also the player: The role of player personality in violent video game preference
HOLL, Elisabeth; MELZER, André
201823rd Workshop on Aggression
Article (Scientific journals)
Escaping reality through videogames is linked to an implicit preference for virtual over real-life stimuli
Deleuze, Jory; Maurage, Pierre; Schimmenti, Adriano et al.
2019In Journal of Affective Disorders, 245, p. 1024-1031
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Who’s afraid of Donkey Kong? Testing the Stereotype Threat Effect in Video Gaming
HOLL, Elisabeth; Wagener, Gary L.; MELZER, André
201969th Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference
Article (Scientific journals)
Nationwide implementation of media literacy training sessions on internet safety
Tiemann, Aline; MELZER, André; STEFFGEN, Georges
2021In Communications: the European Journal of Communication Research
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Article (Scientific journals)
Last Man Standing: Battle Royale Games Through the Lens of Self-Determination Theory
FERNANDEZ DE HENESTROSA, Martha; Billieux, Joël; MELZER, André
2022In Games and Culture, 0 (0), p. 1-22
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Moral Judgment in Video Games: Effects of Medium, Moral Intuitions and Media-Based Empathy
Grohmann, Lara; HOLL, Elisabeth; MELZER, André
202112th Media Psychology Conference
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
To kill or not to kill - Behavioral, physiological and personality markers of moral decision-making in video games
HOLL, Elisabeth; MELZER, André
202112th Media Psychology Conference
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
An Integrative Model of Moral Processing for the Video Game Medium
MELZER, André; HOLL, Elisabeth
202112th Media Psychology Conference
Article (Scientific journals)
Moral minds in gaming – A quantitative case study of moral decisions in Detroit: Become Human
HOLL, Elisabeth; MELZER, André
2022In Journal of Media Psychology
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Article (Scientific journals)
The Allure of the Forbidden: Breaking Taboos, Frustration, and Attraction to Violent Video Games
Whitaker, Jodi L.; MELZER, André; STEFFGEN, Georges et al.
2013In Psychological Science, 24 (4), p. 507-513
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
The hormones of “dark” personalities: Dark Tetrad and violent gaming effects on aggression, cortisol and testosterone levels
WAGENER, Gary Lee; MELZER, André
2022ISRA 2022 World Meeting
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Comfortably Numb? Violent Video Games and Their Effects on Aggression, Mood, and Pain-Related Responses
WAGENER, Gary Lee; MELZER, André
2022In Entertainment Computing – ICEC 2022
Peer reviewed
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Seligman’s PERMA Model in Video Games – The Positive Influence of Video Games on Well-Being
WAGENER, Gary Lee; MELZER, André
2023In Entertainment Computing – ICEC 2023
Peer reviewed
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Who chooses what in the game store? The relationship between game preferences and dimensions of aggression
HAPP, Christian; MELZER, André; Rossi, M. et al.
2009XIV Workshop Aggression
Expert report (Reports)
IT Security. An empirical study on the willingness of people to communicate personal data
HAPP, Christian; MELZER, André; Volkert, Lucien R. et al.
Poster (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Superman vs. BAD man? Empathy and game character influence the effects of violent video games
HAPP, Christian; MELZER, André; STEFFGEN, Georges
2012XXth ISRA World Meeting
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
I love violent media, but it may harm others: Personality factors and attitudes towards violent media
HAPP, Christian; MELZER, André; Dax, Ann-Kathrin et al.
2012XVII Workshop Aggression
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Do we judge a game by its cover? A comparison of crime descriptions in fictitious video games and newspaper articles
HAPP, Christian; MELZER, André; STEFFGEN, Georges
2011XVI Workshop Aggression
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Great feelings in small boxes - Empathy as a mitigating factor in video games
HAPP, Christian; MELZER, André; STEFFGEN, Georges
201116th European Association for Social Psychology General Meeting
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Violence for the masses: The impact of violence in electronic mass media
MELZER, André; HAPP, Christian; STEFFGEN, Georges
2010In Herzog-Evans, Martine (Ed.) Transnational criminology manual
Peer reviewed
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Preventing Violence and Aggressive Behavior in Children and Adolescents Using Interactive Media Instruments (PREVAMI-Projekt) - Grundlagen eines medienunterstützten Gewaltpräventionsprogramms
HAPP, Christian; MELZER, André; STEFFGEN, Georges
2010XV Workshop Aggression
Poster (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
More empathic, but not more recollective: Dissociating effects of task-irrelevant information in violent racing games on memory and behavioral Intentions
MELZER, André; HAPP, Christian; STEFFGEN, Georges
201123rd Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Mitleid mit dem Gegner: Fällt das Spielen schwer? Wirkung einer Empathie-Induktion auf Erleben und Verhalten in einem gewalthaltigen Videospiel
HAPP, Christian; MELZER, André; STEFFGEN, Georges
201047. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie
Poster (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Can you feel the game – How empathy in video games affects behavior
HAPP, Christian; MELZER, André; STEFFGEN, Georges
201123rd Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Empathy for the devil? Empathy and prosocial behavior in violent video games
MELZER, André; HAPP, Christian; STEFFGEN, Georges
2010XIX World Meeting, International Society for Research on Aggression
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Besser werben mit Liebe und Hass? Zur Wirkung empathie- und aggressionsbezogener Wörter in einem gewalthaltigen Rennspiel
MELZER, André; HAPP, Christian; STEFFGEN, Georges
201047. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Gewalthaltige Computerspiele
HAPP, Christian; MELZER, André; STEFFGEN, Georges
2014In Porsch, T.; Pieschl, S. (Eds.) Neue Medien und deren Schatten
Article (Scientific journals)
Superman vs. BAD man? - The effects of empathy and game character in violent video games
HAPP, Christian; MELZER, André; STEFFGEN, Georges
2013In Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 16 (10), p. 774-778
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Mediennutzung und Medienwirkung
2014In STEFFGEN, Georges; Michaux, Gilles; FERRING, Dieter (Eds.) Psychologie in Luxemburg. Ein Handuch.
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Moral disengagement as a predictor of violent video game preference
MELZER, André; HAPP, Christian; STEFFGEN, Georges
201464th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA)
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Moral disengagement, media preferences, and the effects of violent video games
MELZER, André; HAPP, Christian; STEFFGEN, Georges
2014XIX. Workshop Aggression
Paper published in a journal (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Effects of traditional bullying and empathy on cyberbullying
STEFFGEN, Georges; Pfetsch, Jan; König, Andreas et al.
2010In Proceedings of the XIV European Conference on Developmental Psychology ECDP., p. 475-480
Peer reviewed
Article (Scientific journals)
Like the Good or Bad Guy—Empathy in antisocial and prosocial games
HAPP, Christian; MELZER, André; STEFFGEN, Georges
2014In Psychology of Popular Media Culture
Peer reviewed
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Trick with Treat – Reciprocity increases the willingness to communicate personal data.
HAPP, Christian; MELZER, André; STEFFGEN, Georges
201666th ICA Annual Conference
Article (Scientific journals)
Trick with treat – Reciprocity increases the willingness to communicate personal data
HAPP, Christian; MELZER, André; STEFFGEN, Georges
2016In Computers in Human Behavior, p. 372-377
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Von Pong zur Panik? Videospiele als gesellschaftlich relevantes Forschungsthema
2020In AMANN, Wilhelm; SIEBURG, Heinz (Eds.) Spiel-Räume. Das "Spiel" in Diskursen der Kultur und Wissenschaften
Other (Reports)
Lerneffekte interaktiver Medien bei Kindern und Jugendlichen
MELZER, André; HAPP, Christian; STEFFGEN, Georges
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Mediennutzung in den Zeiten von Pandemie und Lockdown
MELZER, André; HOLL, Elisabeth; HALE, Miriam-Linnea
2020In Benoy, Charles (Ed.) COVID-19 - Ein Virus nimmt Einfluss auf unsere Psyche. Einschätzungen und Maßnahmen aus psychologischer Perspektive
Article (Scientific journals)
Effects of Emotional Music on Facial Emotion Recognition in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Wagener, Gary; Berning, Madeleine; PINTO COELHO DA COSTA, Andreia et al.
2020In Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Article (Scientific journals)
Moral decision-making in video games: A focus group study on player perceptions
HOLL, Elisabeth; BERNARD, Steve; MELZER, André
2020In Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, p. 1-10
Peer reviewed
Article (Scientific journals)
Psychological contract violation or basic need frustration? Psychological mechanisms behind the effects of workplace bullying
SISCHKA, Philipp; MELZER, André; Schmidt, Alexander F. et al.
2021In Frontiers in Psychology
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Bringing empathy into play: On the effects of empathy in violent and nonviolent video games
HAPP, Christian; MELZER, André; STEFFGEN, Georges
2011In Anacleto, J.L.; Fels, S.; Graham, N. et al. (Eds.) Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2011: 10th International Conference, ICEC 2011, Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 5-8, 2011, 6972
Peer reviewed
Expert report (Reports)
Media, violence and prevention: A literature survey. Report of the PREVAMI project
HAPP, Christian; MELZER, André; STEFFGEN, Georges
Expert report (Reports)
#LËTZSTEREOTYPE18 - Geschlechterbezogene Rollen und Geschlechterstereotype bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen in Luxemburg
MELZER, André; HALE, Miriam-Linnea; HALL, Mila
Article (Scientific journals)
Do gender stereotypes affect gaming performance? Testing the Stereotype Threat effect in video games
HOLL, Elisabeth; WAGENER, Gary Lee; MELZER, André
2024In Game Studies
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Motivation to Play Scale (MOPS): Measuring Gaming Motivation With a Comprehensive Instrument
HOLL, Elisabeth; WAGENER, Gary Lee; MELZER, André
202171st Annual Internation Communication Association Conference
Article (Scientific journals)
To Kill or Not to Kill – An experimental test of moral Decision-Making in gaming
HOLL, Elisabeth; STEFFGEN, Georges; MELZER, André
2022In Entertainment Computing
Peer reviewed
Article (Scientific journals)
Meatless masculinity: Examining profiles of male veg*n eating motives and their relation to gendered self-concepts
Kakoschke, Kim; HALE, Miriam-Linnea; SISCHKA, Philipp et al.
2022In Current Psychology
Peer reviewed
Article (Scientific journals)
Mindfulness extends the trans-contextual model for autonomous motivation in physical education and leisuretime
Hutmacher, Djenna; Eckelt, Melanie; BUND, Andreas et al.
2022In International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (20)
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Article (Scientific journals)
Games, hormones, and "dark" personalities: Dark Tetrad and the effects of violent gaming on aggression, cortisol, and testosterone.
WAGENER, Gary Lee; SCHULZ, André; MELZER, André
2023In Physiology and Behavior, 274 (1), p. 114421
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Internal report (Reports)
Abschlussbericht des Projekts #LETZSTEREOTYPE18—Geschlechterbezogene Rollen und Geschlechterstereotype bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen in Luxemburg.
MELZER, André; HALE, Miriam-Linnea; HALL, Mila
Poster (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Play the grief away – Positive effects of playing a meaningful video game
WAGENER, Gary Lee; Elisabeth, Holl; SCHABLOWSKI, Saskia et al.
2023MediaPsych 2023 - 13th Conference of the Media Psychology Division (DGPs)
Peer reviewed
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Emotionale Medienstimuli und die moderierende Rolle von Empathie auf Entscheidungsprozesse
HAPP, Christian; Sütterlin, Stefan; MELZER, André et al.
201113. Conference of the Social Psychology Division of the German Psychology Society
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Bachelor académique en Psychologie
STEFFGEN, Georges; MELZER, André
2014In STEFFGEN, Georges; Michaux, Gilles; FERRING, Dieter (Eds.) Psychologie in Luxemburg - Ein Handbuch
Article (Scientific journals)
Are cyber bullies less empathic? Adolescents' cyber bullying behavior and empathic responsiveness
STEFFGEN, Georges; PFETSCH, Jan; König, Andreas et al.
2011In Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 14 (11), p. 643-648
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Article (Scientific journals)
The role of empathy for adolescents' cyberbullying behaviour
STEFFGEN, Georges; König, Andreas; PFETSCH, Jan et al.
2009In Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny, 214 (4), p. 183-198
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Doctoral thesis (Dissertations and theses)
Moral Decision-Making in Video Games
HOLL, Elisabeth
Doctoral thesis (Dissertations and theses)
Towards a further Understanding on the Nature and Psychological Effects of Job Demands: Examining the Challenge-Hindrance-Threat Distinction of Job Demands, Demand Appraisals and the Role of Job Resources
Doctoral thesis (Dissertations and theses)
Gender Based Biases and Discrimination - New Developments in Social Media Contexts
HALE, Miriam-Linnea
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Corona and the Media
HOLL, Elisabeth; HALE, Miriam-Linnea; MELZER, André
2020In MEIN, Georg; PAUSE, Johannes (Eds.) Self and Society in the Corona Crisis
Doctoral thesis (Dissertations and theses)
Workplace bullying: Validation of a measurement and the role of competition, passive avoidant leadership style, psychological contract violation and basic need frustration.
SISCHKA, Philipp
Doctoral thesis (Dissertations and theses)
Doctoral thesis (Dissertations and theses)
The risks of social media for young people: a closer look at problematic social media use and content responses
VAN DUIN, Claire Martine