

Main Referenced Co-authors
Deliberto, Cécile (2)
GREGER, Manfred  (2)
Kirpach, Carlo (2)
Lecomte, André (2)
Malaman, Bernard (2)
Main Referenced Keywords
ball measuring system (1); incompatibility orthorhombic C3A (1); polycarboxylate ettringite (1); rheology calcium sulphates (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Chemical engineering (2)
Civil engineering (2)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (1)

Publications (total 3)

The most downloaded
NICOLAS, E. (2010). Compatibilités et incompatibilités liants cimentaires / superplastifiants [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

NICOLAS, E. (2010). Compatibilités et incompatibilités liants cimentaires / superplastifiants [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

NICOLAS, E., WALDMANN, D., Lecomte, A., Deliberto, C., Malaman, B., GREGER, M., Scharfe, G., & Kirpach, C. (2008). Compatibilités et Incompatibilités Liants / Superplastifiants [Paper presentation]. XXVIemes Rencontres Universitaires de Génie Civil 2008- Prix René Houpert, Nancy, France.

NICOLAS, E., WALDMANN, D., Lecomte, A., Deliberto, C., GREGER, M., Malaman, B., Scharfe, G., & Kirpach, C. (January 2008). Rheological and physico-chemical study of cement mortars with superplasticizers of polycarboxylate-type [Paper presentation]. International conference: Construction Heritage in Coastal and Marine Environments. Damage, Diagnostics, Maintenance and Rehabilitation MEDACHS 08, Lisbon, Portugal.

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